Project SGG

You can play the game right here!

Back in the summer of 2022, I decided to join a gamejam with my friend, KP. The theme of the jam was to forego graphical fidelity and artistic quality in favor of gameplay, story, or anything else possible. In the end, it was a hazy two weeks of work, marked by hour-long development sessions, delirious Youtube binging, and perhaps a shortage of sleep.

Project SGG marked my first project in Godot, and I was at the helm of general leftover programming tasks, boss and enemy programming, most level design, writing, and art. KP handled most of the heavier programming tasks, some levels, background art, and music.

The game features three levels and four bosses, most of which are way too hard in retrospect. When you spend two weeks straight developing a game, it can be difficult to step away and realize the general level of skill most players are going to be coming in with, and especially difficult to recognize where your expectations on the player’s puzzle-solving intuition might be wholly ungenerous.

For a boss I made myself, I died to it a lot more than I’d care to admit.

Nevertheless, I had a great time making the bosses; this was actually my first time taking a crack at some proper enemy AI scripting, and I think I did a pretty good job! While I am a fan of the boss patterns and ideas I put on display, they do feel more like four half-bosses which could’ve combined to make two pretty fleshed-out bosses. But no one wants to waste sprites when you’re crunching in a jam, so what choice did we have?

The first boss, and my personal favorite. Had we more time to polish up the mechanics and hit registration, I think this one would be quite great!

And some cool bullet hell patterns to top things off. It was hard to get a nice screenshot without dying, so this is the best I could do…

Anyway, I don’t have too much more to say. Why not give it a try in your browser? No worries if you can’t beat the first level, it’s seriously kind of unforgiving.